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Week of November 16, 1999
"Your Outside Source for Silicon Valley News"

Local Analyst Uncertain Why He Has November 25th, 26th Off.

System Analyst Jerome Summers is somewhat confused.

While working on his data projection analysis for Mead Data, Jerome noted that Thursday the 25th and Friday the 26th of November were marked as "No work" with a smiley face on the company e-calander mailbox.

"I was hoping to finish up my productivity projections, when I realized Thursday and Friday couldn't be included in my report, because employee productivity, with the exception of myself, was anticipated to be 0 percent." said a distraught Jerome. "Why, I have no idea. Maybe everyone is going to a company picnic, and didn't invite me. It wouldn't be the first time. Heck, it wouldn't even be the second time."

Among Jerome's other suspicions are a probable layoff for him, a large project that he won't be included in, and a possible company-wide sneak off to the Star Trek convention without him. "Even though they know I love that show." Mr. Summers whined pitifully.

Star Trek convention that Jermone suspects backstabbing so-called friends went to.
James isn't so quick to sell his officemates out, however. "It's possible that every single one of the 43 employees had a psychic premonition that this office building was going to explode on Thursday. Everyone, that is, but me."

In the case of the Mead Data's office building imploding, Jerome said that his crushed, broken body can be found alone in office S-119, the old office supply cleaning closet, buried under tons of printed out data records. "Not that anyone cares." He added.