Dot-Commers blow their phony "Hollywood, go home!" veneer

Keanua Reeves tries to take quiet walk in park, gets swarmed by geeks.

A dot-com kickball game came to a grinding halt at Dolores park on June 8th when "Kenu" Reeves tried to take a casual, private stroll through the grass. If "Keeweenu" (They spell his name 20 different ways from Sunday at ) believed all of the stories he read about .commers disliking Hollywood and it's culture, he probably thought he could knock around the park unmolested, barely drawing a nod, as he probably does back in LA. (excepting the tourists, that is.)

The Valley Geek's much published attitude of "Hollywood doesn't get it, it should just stay out." air of contempt melted away as "Keenu" was mobbed by photo and autograph hungry geeks clamoring for his autograph. This wasn't a case of "Silicon Valley and Hollywood curiously eyeing eachother, scoping eachother out." This was flagarant fanboyness at it's worst, Mr. Reeves, out for a quick stroll, found himself surrounded.

"Kenyoo", wishing he were ANYWHERE but here.

"Play with us. play with us!" the dork-commers screamed, totally uncooly. After 574+ references to "The Matrix" and being called "The One" 460 times, Mr. Reeves turned down the opportunity to "kick the ball in bullet-time" and headed out, but not after 8 pictures, which he wishes were never snapped, were taken. One guy even manager to weasel his way into all 8 pics!

Silicon Valley, leave Hollywood and it's stars alone. It appears you just doesn't get it.