Exciting New Internet Company to offer Web-Based Solutions

"Imagine.. a new internet company in the Bay Area." muses local resident.

When Jeremy Branson, a Bay Area investment banker and Mike Chang, a Bay Area web developer met last month at a wealthy, trendy party for wealthy, trendy people, they hit it off well.

"Mike talked constantly about how big and important his job was at another Internet company, icyayepido.com. I was impressed with how he had no family, no spouse, and did nothing but work. His willingness to have no life, and yet somehow still brag about it was exactly what I was looking for in a partner for a new startup company, iesolutions.com."

Mr Branson and Mike Chang
discuss their latest venture,

"We offer web-based solutions." said Mike Chang, looking up from his Yahoo profile, showing his tech stocks have taken a small downturn. "We help companies find their Internet niche with a variety of.. umm, approaches and stuff.. like web-based stuff."

Sweating nervously, and uncertain of what to say next, Mr. Chang looked to Mr. Branson for help.

"The Internet is the future." Mr. Branson began. "Companies need to have an internet presence, and a variety of tools at their disposal. Want to become a recognized partner of Amazon.com? We can add an Amazon.com link to your webpage."

Mr Branson was quick to point out that a company opening an account with iesolutions.com won't be getting a "generic geoschmities webpage." but their own domain. "Now that's a web-based solution." he said proudly, grinning. Just imagine: "your-company.com." as a way to let the world know about your company. That's what iesolutions is about. Our Motto? "Think of us as the "dot" in "dot com"."

iesolutions is expected to file for initial public offering later this week.