00's: The Coming Decade of Shameless Greed

Valley Insiders: "Unlike the 90's, we won't even pretend to be embarassed by our excesses."

The 90's, an unprecedented period of booming wealth and greed in Silicon Valley, is about to be replaced with the 00's: A decade of shameless wealth and greed. "That little shameless part means a lot." says Antonio Hock, of idotventure.com. "No longer will we have to look uncomfortably the other way when we pass over a sleeping homeless man. We'll be able to kick them in the gut as they lay there, and berate them for missing out on the Digital Age. Picking them up and tossing them into a dumpster, once considered a social no-no, will no be not only acceptable, but encouraged."

Antonio believes the change in attitude began last year during a charity soapbox derby race thinly disguised as a Power Exec get together. When a homeless man became entangled in the wheels of a CEO Jocko Jones, of NettyNetNet Solution's racer, the man was roughly shoved aside and lambasted for making the Jocko lose. What could of been an akward moment for the crowd instead turned into a cheering session as the man was shoved into a garbage can and wheeled away.

Stop feeling sorry for these people in '00!
It's their own fault they chose professions like teaching.

Antonio credits the sheer vast amounts of cash and the increasing demands of the "me." factor as elements that have replaced useless, non-productive things like emotions and empathy. "When people out here talk about how dedicated they are to their jobs, and how many hours they work, how much family time they've had to give up, what they're really saying is: "Look out, world, I'm putting me before anything else, including family, church, and whatever else gets in the way."

"Joke!" giggled Antonio as he sipped his $4 latte. "What do you call a Bay Area High School teacher? A no-good homeless lout!"

If Antonio is right, the 00's should be a great year for the 'net set, choking the Bay Area with even more cash!

Greed on!