Local 'Net company will now feature value added Linux server scalability eCommerce .com solutions.

"In other words, the penguin is in!" -Jeremy Branson, CEO.

Investors were abuzz as Jeremy Branson, of ieSolutions.com announced that his company will now be offering Lots Of Things Linux.

"It's true.. we purchased a copy of Red Hat Linux 6.1, and James Rosario, our resident web guru, mentioned he could have it probably have it installed and up and running by March of 2000. Obviously, investors are going to want to hop all over us like lemming kangaroos. I can't say when we'll go public, but I'll be it's going to be in a month that ends in "h", if you catch my drift, wink wink. *cough!*March 14th*coughwheeze*

James Rosario, self-professed webwhiz and Chief Technical Officer at ieSolutions.com is happy with the company's direction. "After I saw LNUX debut and shoot up a zillion percentage points, I realized Linux was going to be the next hot thing. I approached Jeremey about this, who asked if I knew anything about Linux."

"I'll never forget what James said." grinned Jeremey. "He looked straight at me and said: "No. But what does that matter? It's *IN*."

Jeremy feels that Linux support at ieSolutions will look perfect in his company's mission statement. "As long as no one actually calls asking how to recompile a kernel, or modify a PPP dialer, we should be just fine." added James.

James and a fellow coworker prepare
the tricky Linux install on a PC.

We would say "Best of luck!" to Jeremy and the rest of the crew at iesolutions, but considering they're a only a few months away from having a Silicon Valley e-biz.com linux company IPO, they won't need it!