Julie Meyner, an attractive Bay Area tech writer. |
Ooooh, lookit us! We're Washington D.C. We're sooooo special and smart!
That's the word out of Washington as a recently released study found that D.C. residents were more "plugged in" than Bay Area residents. 59.9% of D.C. area residents were online, compared with 56.1 percent in San Francisco.
Of course, the study doesn't make mention of the fact that most of these D.C. users are on AOL, and barely capable of getting beyond AOL's mindless chatrooms. The study also didn't mention that D.C. is such an ugly, scary place that the only thing to do is stay indoors and try and distract one's self from the fact winters are frequently below 0.
Of course D.C. has more 'net users than the Bay Area. All of the windbag politicians and their little fundraising wives are searching for ways to stifle Bay Area growth with idiotic bills like the CDA. Most East Coast people get *excited* about the little free AOL disks the get in the mail, and sign up right away. The way I see it?